Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Dis 1_Managerial Economics

Dis 1_Managerial Economics

Q A. How does the concept of trade-off relate to opportunity costs?

Q . What is the difference between monetary and non monetary opportunity costs?

Q C. Why are opportunity costs based on a person’s tastes and preferences?

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Trade off is considered to be the exchange that can be done for one thing against that of the another thing or it can be said of acceptance of one of the thing in less amount so that the alternative can be get in large amount. On the other hand, opportunity cost is termed as that of the value of the alternative which is being given up plus that of the costs of the choices. It is really very important to establish a link between the two concepts. With every of the trade off things there lies an opportunity cost ("Trade-Off Vs. Opportunity Cost", 2019). When there occurs a trade off then there lies the chance that there will be occurrence of that of the monetary opportunity cost or may be that of the non monetary costs.